Hurricane Helene Exposes A Deep Betrayal Of America

Americans across several states are suffering and attempting to survive under unimaginably harsh conditions, without food and water, in that aftermath of Hurricane Helene which tore across ten states in the Southeast last week, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. And a week later, these people have found that they are largely on their own, as all the real help that has arrived has come through the efforts of individuals and nonprofit groups such as Samaritan Purse, Mountain Mule Packers Ranch, Save Our Allies and Aerial Recovery, which has exposed the fact — to anyone who didn’t already know — that the Biden regime doesn’t give a good damn about them, as Biden and his minions have engaged in not just dereliction of duty but the worst betrayal of the American people ever witnessed, since the birth of the nation.

The rest of the article at this link.

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FEMA “Actively Blocking Shipments” For Relief

Around lunchtime, Elon Musk shared a dire message from one of his SpaceX engineers on the ground in the storm-ravaged state. Musk said, “FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but is actively blocking citizens who try to help!”

Rest of the article at American Partisan.

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Where to Donate

You may not be able to go to Eastern TN or Western NC to help dig people out. But maybe you can fund those who are. That’s what I’m doing. Here are organizations that I believe to be high in integrity and will get the dollars to the people in need without skimming most off the top as the Red Cross does. DO NOT donate to the Red Cross, FEMA, TEMA or any other government site. Also beware of GoFundMe campaigns as A) there will be scammers and B) GoFundMe has a really bad habit of cancelling campaigns and keeping the money if the campaign doesn’t line up with their leftist ideology.

Grindstone Ministries. They have an Amazon Wish List from which you can purchase items for direct ship to their Forward Operating Base in East TN. Or you can simply give dollars.

Samaritan’s Purse. On the ground in Boone, NC. I know people there and they are helping those in need.

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Update from the Front Lines

Some good news from Bear of Grindstone Ministries. They are on the ground in East TN and he reports the situation is generally OK. Relief is getting to people and they are well supplied. Earlier reports of TEMA confiscating supplies from school drop off points are NOT TRUE. The supplies were picked up and moved in coordination with Grindstone Ministries to Bristol Motor Speedway for inventory and redistribution. So, that is good news! Watch the short video below for more info.

I’ve followed Bear (T.J.) for 6-7 years now and while I have some quibbles with his theology, I believe him to be a good, sincere and honest man who gets things done. He’s also very frank. If you can support the relief efforts, Grindstone Ministries is an excellent and safe way to do it.

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Devils Prey on Angels

from T.L Davis

Key graf:

Rumors suggest the government wants them dead, to confiscate the land for lithium that abounds there and pure crystal; things needed for battery and chip manufacturing; things that help satisfy their zero-emission narratives required to enslave the people in a power-starved future. Are they really that evil, their neighbors, their teachers, their fellow citizens? The answer is in Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, where they’ve exposed their hatreds and made unwilling martyrs of one’s neighbors, friends and family members; treated them like debris to be bulldozed out of the way, with troops frozen on the ground, helicopters sitting idle and those who seek to help threatened and their supplies stolen. For what purpose, other than to deny life-saving supplies to the stranded? This is the level of hatred they have for those not willing to accept their version of “democracy” which is spelled “communism.”

The rest of the article here. It’s well worth the read.

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In Case You Were Wondering…

They are now coming right out and saying just how much contempt and hatred the illegitimate ruling junta has for you.

Keep in mind, the only reason Lebanon needs US aid is because the US gives Billions of dollars every year to Israel, which then buys bombs back from us and uses said bombs on innocent civilians in Lebanon. So not only is the US paying for the munitions, we also have to pay for the cleanup.

For the folks in Appalachia, sorry, we’re out of money. Here’s a weak FEMA response (where FEMA is confiscating and destroying donated food and otherwise hindering rescue efforts), and a $750 loan that if it’s not paid back gives the government the right to seize your land.

Remember when I told you it was going to get worse? It’s getting worse.

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Before the Storm Hits…

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The 72 Hour Rule

From Western NC…

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DOJ Offers a Bounty for Trump

Remember, the FBI hid the Nashville shooter’s manifesto for over a year because they did not want the public to figure out that pumping mentally ill girls full of testosterone makes them violent. But a guy wants to take a shot at Trump and offer a reward to someone else if he fails, well that’s just okey dokey.

You have no idea how much the federal government hates you.

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War Is Upon Us or Will Putin Blink Again

by Paul Craig Roberts

The world is coming close to its end. It is an end that has nothing to do with alleged global warming, Cows farting, orchestrated pandemics, or racism. Washington’s refusal to release its power of hegemony over a world that is no longer accepting of it is bringing about our destruction.

How can we understand such an extraordinary act of selfishness?

Gilbert Doctorow, a cautious commentator, has arrived at a position similar to my own. On September 10, Doctorow wrote in his article, “The insane recklessness of Collective Biden,” that “I cannot say how close we are to midnight on the nuclear war watch. But a Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is now just days, at most weeks away.”

What has pushed the cautious Dr. Doctorow to my position “is the near certainty that the United States and Britain have just agreed to give the Zelensky regime permission to use the long-range missiles which have been delivered to Ukraine, certainly including Storm Shadow and likely also the 1500 km range stealth missile known as JASSM to strike deep into the Russian heartland, and so ‘to bring the war to Russia’ as the Zelensky gang put it.”

Doctorow reasons that Russia’s destruction of Ukraine’s army has prompted the neoconned Biden regime into one last desperate and reckless act of trying to deprive Russia of its victory “by escalating the conflict to a world war.”

Simultaneously with this US idiocy of underwriting missile attacks deep into Russia, Doctorow believes that “the United States has given Israel the go-ahead to launch a full-blown war on Lebanon.” This despite the fact that Lebanon has Iran’s protection, and Iran has Russia’s protection.

So, we have at hand two prospects for the outbreak of major wars that will go nuclear.

Extraordinary, isn’t it, that there is no discussion whatsoever of this duel crisis in the Western media or in the “debate” between Trump and Kamala. It is as if the US has no foreign policy experts and no Russian experts, but only supporters of the official narrative. The controlled narrative world in which we live makes us blind to reality.

Indeed, it does seem that we do live in The Matrix in which there are no explanations other than the fraudulent ones protected by “fact checkers” in the official narratives.

Doctorow concludes that “a presently localized conflict in the Middle East can in a flash become a regional war that in a further flash becomes a second front to the war between the United States and Russia which I foretold above when speaking about Ukraine.”

Doctorow is a person with whom I can agree.

But I have a doubt. Just as for eight years Putin was lost in his delusion about the Minsk Agreement and failed to prepare for the coming conflict, and just as Putin seems yet to realize that he is at war with NATO, not conducting a “limited military operation in Donbas,” and just as Putin has refused to realize that by conducting a never-ending war he has permitted the West to become totally involved, thus changing the character of the conflict and vastly expanding it, can it be that Putin is still in denial of reality and does not see the war that is unfolding, partly because of his own inaction?

With the Russian media itself reporting that the Chinese are cooperating with Washington’s sanctions against Russia and refusing to handle Russian/Chinese financial transactions, thus accepting Washington’s wedge into the purported Chinese-Russian alliance, perhaps Washington will prevail over those who challenged the American hegemonic order but were unwilling to move forward with their challenge.

Putin’s problem is that he is a mid-20th century American liberal who believes in good will. His Western opponent is operating on the Marxist principle that violence is the only effective force in history.

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