Trump’s VP Pick–JD Vance

I never quite liked the guy, even though his book was OK. Though he dished a lot of dirt on his family after he split town to make it rich in the big city. So there’s that. Having never looked into him, I didn’t have much to go on. He just seemed off.

Well, Doug over at Offgrid with Doug and Stacy did a little digging. Here’s what he came up with:

He went to Yale and is Skull and Crossbones like the Bush Family “supposedly” They did a movie about the Bush and crossbones connection ….just a FYI

JD Vance worked for a company called ambrosia. Ambrosia is another word for pink and pink is another word for adrenochrome.

The company ambrosia has since been shut down but what they were doing was taking the blood from young people and transfusing it into the older people with the belief that it would make them younger.

Then here is another interesting fact about Vance, he worked at the same law firm as Barak Obama and Michelle “Sidney Austin Law Firm”

His wife worked on a board that is/was owned by Bill Gates and his wife is a Cambridge Scholar meaning she accepted money from The Gates Foundation

Oh, and he was a NEVER TRUMPER lots of video floating around about that

now his wife

Usha Chilukuri Vance she up and quit he job real quiet like right before the convention.

She worked as a corporate litigator at Munger, Tolles & Olson a prestigious law firm in SAN FRANSISCO CALIFORNIA

Here is where it gets kinda weird, they removed everything about her from the website. Her entire biography was scrubbed.

Did you know that California lawmakers wanted to make it legal to kill babies up to 27 days after birth?

maybe there is some weird connection there but that all seems suspect!

I will keep digging and showing yall what I find, you take it from there.

I will say from what I watched of the republican convention it had a weird Hunger Games Illuminati feel to it lol

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