This Week In Video

There were a number of really good videos that dropped last week. I have watched and recommend all of them.

Michael Yon was on with Mike Adams again, and covered a lot of ground. You may not want to know that your country is being invaded, but it is. Michael has the receipts and talks about what we can expect next.

Michael Yon in studio with Mike Adams

Matt Bracken did another episode on Coffee and a Mike. One of the things I appreciate about Matt is he is intensely practical. Mike tries to get him to speculate on what the trigger event will be and Matt says he doesn’t care. The cake is baked, the plan is set, and he has, I think, one of the best takes on what we can expect sometime in the next few years. It may not be a rosy picture, but if you want to make it through what is coming, it’s best to have an idea what to prepare for.

Coffee & a Mike Episode #748

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin dropped a little over a week ago. It’s a long interview, nearly 2 hours, but worth the watch. Tucker is out of his depth a bit here in understanding how Russians think (hint, it’s not how we think), but it’s a good interview. You can like or dislike Putin, but he is sharp as a tack and knows and loves his country.

Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

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