Is 2024 the Last Year of Free Speech?

2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World

Paul Craig Roberts lays out the case that the Military Industrial Complex/Security State in all Western nations is going to shut down and eliminate free speech and democracy in 2024. Sounds far fetched, yeah? Well, give it a read. On the one hand, I think, they don’t have the numbers to make it work. On the other hand, I realize that most Western Whites have become so demoralized, so passive, so willing to accept their own genocide because, well, reasons, that most will just do as their told.

He doesn’t mention it in his article–it may be assumed–but this goes hand in glove with my contention that there’s no way we’re having an election this fall. The event horizon grows ever closer. Click on the How To Prepare link up in the header for some ideas on how to be ready for it.

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