Robert Malone on Waking Up and Propaganda

Robert Malone, known as the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, just wrote an interesting it not somewhat lengthy post on the function of propaganda and the attendant effect of reducing good solutions to actual problems. He also admits to waking up and coming to grips the the concept that much of what he was taught to believe over his whole life is lies built on a foundation of lies. To wit:

A shadow now haunts my mind. I am deeply troubled in confronting the reality that the world and version of political truths that I have been propagandized to believe over my entire life is merely smoke and mirrors. A vague uneasiness has been lurking around me over these last four years; a sense that I have not only been censored, defamed, and lied to during the time of COVID, but over my entire life.

Robert Malone

Realizing that much of what you were taught as truth is actually a lie can be a painful experience. Having been through the process, I can say it’s uncomfortable to say the least. Most of us come out the other side a lot more skeptical and perhaps a little bitter at being lied to all these years. However, there’s a freedom knowing that real truth does exist, even if it’s not the “truth” we were told.

Read his whole post, it’s worth it.

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