Wargaming the American Apocalypse

I don’t love the title as the word Apocalypse has been hijacked from its original meaning–the unveiling, or revealing of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Regardless, here’s an excellent introduction article from Jack Lawson and Stan Szymanski. Jack is the author of The Civil Defense Manual. It’s not a “feel good” piece, more of a reality gut check. He does provide hope at the end, so stick with it. It’s worth the read.

Jack [Lawson]: The most crucial issue is convincing Americans that there is a Catastrophic Event in the making right now. Most people either don’t believe anything bad will happen to them, they don’t want to think about it… or they just don’t care.

Americans can’t see this trouble in our future because Americans think what happens in the rest of the world… “can’t happen to Americans! It just doesn’t!” This is because United States has been geographically isolated from invasion, war, starvation and suffering for a couple of hundred years. So, most think… “It can’t happen here!”

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