Monthly Archives: April 2024

Debt Borrowing Debt

In case you were wondering, the Biden administration continues to set economic records. They are literally tearing it up. Check this out: This is how much debt, per quarter, the US Treasury has issued. We’re not adding $1 Trillion to … Continue reading

Posted in Best Economy Evah | Leave a comment

The Best Time to Start a Flock of Laying Hens was 20 Weeks Ago…

Posted in Food Supply | Leave a comment

The Adults are Back in Charge

Remember the good old days, like 2019, when the Bidens were campaigning from their basement and said we needed to get the adults back in charge? Well, it looks like someone is in charge, but it sure isn’t Joseph R. … Continue reading

Posted in Mental Illness, US Politics | Leave a comment

Some Good News (for TN)

UPDATE 4/2/24: It appears Gov. Lee signed the bill. Tennessee legislators have passed a bill to require any food that contains a vaccine or vaccine material to be classified as a drug and labeled as such. The measure now heads … Continue reading

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Happy Transgender Day – Forget Easter

When Biden won the White House, they were cheering that they would change America into their vision of la la land – Californization of the entire country. That is what I mean; the people who are really running the show … Continue reading

Posted in The Church, US Politics | Leave a comment

Much, Much More Than Trump

Robert Gore has a really good take on both sides if Trump Derangement Syndrome. There has been one inevitability in presidential politics since 1913. No matter what the winning candidate promised, the government has gotten bigger and more powerful, and … Continue reading

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