Author Archives: Mike

The Wheels on the Debt Clock Are About to Spin Right Off!

It is well known that the last stage of an empire comes when the ruling elite loot the treasury. In this case, they have already done that and are moving on to looting everything else. We are now adding $1 … Continue reading

Posted in Best Economy Evah, US Politics | Leave a comment

Transgenger Space Force Colonel Says Using Pronouns in Emails Will Help Win Wars

We were a proper country once. Now, we are the laughingstock of the world. Here we have a homely dude with a mental illness pretending he’s a girl telling soldiers they need to be more inclusive with their pronouns so … Continue reading

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Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’

Remember, there’s no money in healthy people. Sick people? Now that’s a huge market! The collusion between big pharma, big government and big medical is one of the most significant crimes ever perpetrated against humanity. Here’s the article.

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Pharma Stock ‘Mattered More Than the Price of a Life,’ Physician Tells Senate Roundtable

I’ve been saying for years that the Covid scamdemic was nothing more than a giant wealth transfer and depopulation scheme. It was also a trial run to see how much tyranny the US people would accept without revolting. Turns out, … Continue reading

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Flushed the toilets of Venezuela

I’ve been pointing this out for a while now, so it’s good to see the story getting some notice. Venezuela, Nicaragua and several African countries are emptying their prisons and sending the criminals here to the US. That means we … Continue reading

Posted in Border, US Politics | Leave a comment

Catherine Austin Fitts shreds Trump acolyte in the most brutal 7 minutes you will find on the internet

A great, short clip from an interview with Catherine. She pretty much eviscerates the Trump Operation Warp Speed program. Watch the interview and read the article here. BLUF: So we have an all-powerful machine, a system (I call it a … Continue reading

Posted in Medical Tyrany, US Politics | Leave a comment

What An Odd Thing To Say

Really curious why one would need to be fully stocked up on groceries for an eclipse that lasts 1 hr. and 24 min.. How much could one possibly eat in an hour and a half? What is really planned for … Continue reading

Posted in Preparedness | Leave a comment

Some Good News…Maybe

Tennessee poised to ban LGBT pride flags from schools and classrooms… It’s passed the house by a large margin. The senate is overwhelmingly republican, so it should clear there. Will Bill Lee have the guts to sign it? We’ll see…

Posted in Local, Mental Illness | Leave a comment

Let’s Check in on the “Justice System”

With allegations even more hazy than Christine Blassy Ford, E. Jean Carrol was awarded $83 Million because a long time ago, she can’t remember when, Trump raped her in a dressing room in a department store. Not sure which one. … Continue reading

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Death of a Nation, Birth of Another

T.L. Davis makes a lot of valid points in this article. The United States is a failed experiment, not because it’s corrupt or communist so much as that it’s simply too big to be managed by anything other than corrupt … Continue reading

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