Author Archives: Mike

Covid Vaccine Update: “12-SIGMA EVENT” — And it could get worse!

I tried to warn people back in 2020, 2021 and 2022; Do Not Take the Jab! Some listened, many did not. At the time, I did not know exactly how or why it was bad, I simply knew it was … Continue reading

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Our “Greatest Ally”

Enemies, huh? That’s a US soldier. Now, the guys whack–he set himself on fire to protest the genocide of Gaza by Israel. A worthy protest, to be sure. But there are a hundred more productive things he could have done. … Continue reading

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Wargaming the American Apocalypse

I don’t love the title as the word Apocalypse has been hijacked from its original meaning–the unveiling, or revealing of The Lord Jesus Christ. Regardless, here’s an excellent introduction article from Jack Lawson and Stan Szymanski. Jack is the author … Continue reading

Posted in Border, Food Supply, US Politics | Leave a comment

Let’s Check in on the City on the Hill

I waited a while to post this because, to be honest, I was at a loss for words. Jesus said we are the light of the world, a city on a hill. The Church is supposed to reflect Jesus so … Continue reading

Posted in The Church | Leave a comment

George Soros Takes Over 220 Radio Stations

Just in time for the 2024 election cycle, famous rich-guy and far left activist whose life’s mission is to destroy the United States (his words, not mine) has just purchased a controlling interest in Audacy, which owns 220 radio stations … Continue reading

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Illegals Eat Better than Americans In Mass

Grocery bills got you down? Head on down to Mexico, come back across the border with no ID and “seek asylum.” You’ll get a free ticket to anywhere, so head up to Massachusetts where you’ll be well cared for. The … Continue reading

Posted in Border, US Politics | Leave a comment

Tucker Carlson Interviews Mike Benz

Fair warning; this is a dense interview. I watched it once and I will watch it at least one more time to catch all that’s going on here. Mike Benz is a machine and talks in great detail without notes … Continue reading

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Bugs in the Food

Be sure to read the ingredients of the food you purchase. Klaus Schwab and his merry band of tyrants really want you to eat ze bugs.

Posted in Food Supply | Leave a comment

The End is Nigh–What Can You Do?

PJ does a great job in this video outlining the potential threats we are facing, and what you can do to prepare. If you like to make excuses for why you can’t prepare, probably best to skip this one. But … Continue reading

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Biden Unveils LGBT Rules to Force Males into Girls’ Restrooms at School

Full article at this link. I will happily volunteer one day a week to guard the girls restroom from men in dresses trying enter. Our children should not be subjected to this freakshow. Also, get your kids out of government … Continue reading

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