Author Archives: Mike

Meanwhile in Europe…

The current ruling government in Germany is rather miffed at their opposition. It seems the pesky “right-wing” folks have been stirring up the people and that is a threat to their rule, er, Democracy. The ruling class is promoting a … Continue reading

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Truckers Unhappy with NYC

On the heels of the patently absurd court judgement against Trump (who was found “guilty” and fined $453 Million for taking out a loan and paying back, on time, with interest), the truckers, who overwhelmingly support Trump are, shall we … Continue reading

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You Are the Carbon They Want To Reduce

Doug Casey has a great take on the green agenda, the anti-carbon hysteria and what that means for us. If you don’t already receive it, his newsletter is worth getting. International Man: Western countries are leading the charge in restructuring … Continue reading

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You Are What You Eat

Our food supply is not only fragile, it’s dangerous. Chemicals and pesticides keep finding their way into the food that is on the shelves in the grocery store. And it turns out, those chemicals are bad for you, and really … Continue reading

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Sometimes Pictures Tell The Story

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Mainstream Media is Propaganda

Another spell that is hard to break is the impression that the media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Faux News) tell the truth because they are “news” outlets. That may have been true once, but it’s certainly not now. Few people … Continue reading

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Both Parties Are Corrupt.

We were just talking about this the other day and then along comes this post. This is one of the hardest mind-traps to get out of. There has been so much programming that “The Dems did this,” and “The Repubs … Continue reading

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Senate Passes “National Security Bill,” But Not For Your Nation

Overnight, while Americans slept, the US Senate passed the aptly named, National Security Bill which includes $95 Billion in aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. There is no money in the bill to secure the US border, however. Sen. Chuck … Continue reading

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First Battalion of Invaders Arrives in TN

According to DHS, approximately 600 “non-citizens” from Guatemala, Venezuela, Honduras, and Mexico are headed to Murfreesboro, Nashville and Franklin. It’s OK, though as our fearless senators are “outraged” and have sent a strongly worded letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro … Continue reading

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Excellent Analysis of the Weakening Biden Regime

I have not read this guy’s work before, but his take on the weaking of the Biden regime is spot on. He adroitly points out that like any wounded animal, it is likely at its most dangerous condition. They need … Continue reading

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