Author Archives: Mike

America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 Year Olds

from Dennis Kucinich HT The Burning Platform. He makes some good points in this article. I disagree with his assessment that the great replacement is a “theory.” It’s demonstrable. Otherwise, he raises good questions. Greetings to Young Americans: You are … Continue reading

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Well How About That?

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Civil War Weather Report

John Wilder does a monthly roundup of indicators on how close we are to a civil war. He tries to maintain a sense of levity while discussing something deadly serious and does a good job. I think he is generally … Continue reading

Posted in Best Economy Evah, The Decline, US Politics | Leave a comment

Sacrificing Liberty

Here is a link to the excellent documentary series on the attack on the USS Liberty and the subsequent cover up. You can get a free 7-day trial and watch the movie. Here are my notes from Sunday’s Cultural … Continue reading

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A Different Take on Trump

Came across this thread from Mark G Patterson. I’m not sure who he is, but he comes in from Michael Yon who has been better than average at predicting what’s coming next. Everyone wants Trump to be their hero; especially … Continue reading

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How Our “Greatest Ally,” Along With Our Own Government are Destroying the US

It’s said that if you want to know what is really going on, follow the money. Well, let’s follow a few billion dollars and see how the illegitimate Biden regime is funneling billions of taxpayer money to Israeli owned NGOs … Continue reading

Posted in Border, The Decline, US Politics | Leave a comment

They Paid Doctors to Vaccinate People

Ever wonder why so many doctors pushed the covid jab on their patients? They made big bucks doing so! I mean, sure the jab has killed and injured millions, but what is that compared to a new boat and a … Continue reading

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What a Grid Crisis Could Look Like

We don’t need a dramatic movie to give us a sense of what things would look like if we had a grid crash.  Facebook is showing us in real time. As of this post, Power Outage reports almost 14% of electricity customers … Continue reading

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What Government Thinks of Us

Hello fellow domestic violent extremist! That’s right, if you’re reading this, you are very likely classified as a DVE by the Department of “Homeland” Security. I put Homeland in quotes because many people don’t understand how the communists alter language. … Continue reading

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How Would You Like to Earn 100% Interest on Your Savings?

Sound good? All you have to do is enter the country illegally, and all the other US taxpayers will match your savings account deposits dollar for dollar! So for every dollar an illegal invader earns working in a job that … Continue reading

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