Author Archives: Mike

Capitalism has Failed?

by Jeff Thompson from Doug Casey’s International Man Newsletter Today, more than at any time previously, Westerners are justifying a move toward collectivist thinking with the phrase, “Capitalism has failed.” In response to this, conservative thinkers offer a knee-jerk reaction … Continue reading

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The US Government’s “Plan” for Social Security

Can it be called a plan when there is no plan? Let’s ask our treasury muppet, er, secretary, Janet Yellen. When questioned about the future of Social Security by the Senate Finance Committee, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted that Biden … Continue reading

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I Need Another “Conspiracy Theory…”

They keep turning out to be true.

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Russia says US, Britain & Ukraine were behind the Terrorist Attack

The west is playing a very dangerous game. For some insane reason, probably as cover for their crimes which are numerous, the US, Britain et al. want to get the world into a huge war. The problem is, the west … Continue reading

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Christ is King

This was too good not to share. The following is an email sent by Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab to all Gab users. Christ Is King and I Don’t Care If That Makes Me Antisemitic  In light of Candace Owens … Continue reading

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Victoria Nuland Warns Russia Will Receive ‘Nasty Surprises’

What kind of “nasty surprises,” eh? Like an attack on a concert hall in Moscow? These fools cannot wait to get us into WWII… Full Article. Wonder how they knew?

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I Wish I Could Disagree With This…

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A Real State of the Union

Col. Douglas Macgregor delivered a much more realistic, and potentially inspiring state of the union response a few weeks ago. I haven’t fully vetted his organization yet, but from what I can tell, his new organization is on the up … Continue reading

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Worth the Watch

WATCH: The Democrat Open Borders Plan to Entrench Single-Party Rule | Explained in Under Two Minutes I would argue that we already have single-party rule; the republicans are simply the democrats going the speed limit. But, that nit aside, it’s … Continue reading

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Voat Harder

Lew Rockwell has a great article on how the Democrats are going to steal the election again in 2024. It’s long, but worth the read if you want to understand what’s going on with “elections.” Biden and Trump have clinched … Continue reading

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