Author Archives: Mike

Some Good News for TN

Wait, I thought chemtrails was a conspiracy theory? This simply proves what we’ve been saying all along; they are spraying chemicals and heavy metals in our skies. It will be interesting to see what the enforcement mechanism is. I’d love … Continue reading

Posted in Climate, Local | Leave a comment

I Keep Saying the Republicans are Just as Bad as the Democrats. Believe Me Yet?

The Republicans are like the Washington Generals to the Harlem Globetrotters. They are the designated losers. Even when given a decisive majority in both houses of CONgress, they never accomplish anything except enriching themselves. Now, they are conspiring with the … Continue reading

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Gun Ban for Illegal Immigrants Ruled Unconstitutional

Yes, you read that right. Someone invades our country illegally, and according to this court, they not only get free housing, free food, free legal services, a free cell phone, a clothing and furniture allowance, they can also own firearms. … Continue reading

Posted in Border, Gun Rights, Preparedness | Leave a comment

This May or May Not be How It Happens

Interesting take on the coming sporkiness. It might go down this way, or it might not. Good things to consider regardless. This is how it will happen What’s happening right now in NYC is a foreshadowing of what’s coming nationwide … Continue reading

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The Banana Republik of Biden

Emerald Robinson is over the target. You should be following her if you’re not already. She is one of the few reporters calling it like it is. Her latest Substack article is up and a very good read. The brutal … Continue reading

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The motel at the end of America

A really good, close up view of the destruction of our country. Some numbers:  Every migrant detained by the Border Patrol is assigned a nine-digit ‘subject ID number’ when processed.  These are sequential.  When Biden took office, if memory serves, … Continue reading

Posted in Border, US Politics | Leave a comment

More Government Overreach

There’s a big move in the senate where senate republicrats are aligning with Joe Biden to ban whatever they want on the internet. It’s done under the guise of “banning TikTok,” but it’s really a set up to ban whatever … Continue reading

Posted in US Politics | Leave a comment

Import the Third World, Become the Third World

Our country has a death wish. Instead of closing the ports and turning people away, we’ll welcome them in, only to have them murder, rape and steal from our citizens. And we’ll pay them to do it. America is no … Continue reading

Posted in Border, US Politics | Leave a comment

Study: mRNA COVID Shots Caused More Deaths Than They Saved

I tried to tell people. Big Pharma lied. Big Gov lied. Big Media lied. Big Medical lied. They all knew they were all lying and they all did it anyway. Why? To get paid! When factoring in absolute risk and … Continue reading

Posted in Medical Tyrany | Leave a comment

Why, There’s Nothing Suspicious About This At All!

Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead In A Truck From “Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound” Because, you know, that’s what you do. After fighting legal battles with Goliath for 7 years, you finally make some headway, things are going to come out and the … Continue reading

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