Author Archives: Mike

The Most Fun Terrible News Report You’ll See All Week

I had to put this one in here. Johnny Bravo (not his real name) is one of my favorite economic news sources. He presents really bad news in a way that just makes you smile and know all will be … Continue reading

Posted in Best Economy Evah | Leave a comment

What do the Dems do if Trump Wins?

Given the general level of insane hatred of Donald Trump among democrats, it’s hard to say. Robert Zimmerman has some thoughts, and they are worth considering. It’s likely that spicy times are ahead; prepare while you still can. To put … Continue reading

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How to Lower Border “Crossings”

Just fly them directly into the states you’re trying to destroy!

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The Five FUBARs

The USA is a runaway train with a dead man in the engineer’s seat. James Kunstler We are facing a multi-factorial attack on our world. The purpose of it is to keep you spinning OR numb you into ignoring it. … Continue reading

Posted in Best Economy Evah, Border, Intl. Politics, Medical Tyrany, US Politics | Leave a comment

Illegal Invaders–Even Those on Terrorist Watch Lists Can Board Planes in the US WITHOUT ID.

This is insane. Strike that, this is criminal. We US Citizens are subjected to ID–and soon, Real ID–requirements to get on a plane. But any old “migrant” ie. criminal invader can wander across the border, use his Customs and Border … Continue reading

Posted in Border, US Politics | Leave a comment

Civil War Weather Report

Each month, John Wilder does a good wrap up of where we are in the inexorable march towards…well, whatever is coming. Keep in mind that while a lot of the articles he cites are from America’s Hat (Canada) and the … Continue reading

Posted in Climate, Food Supply, US Politics | Leave a comment

A Little Good News…

Bill Lee signed a bill that allows public officials to refuse to perform same-sex “marriages.” More over at The Hill. It’s a good start Bill, now do churches.

Posted in Local, Mental Illness | Leave a comment

Layoffs…Coming in Hot

I know it’s hard to keep up with just how amazing and wonderful the Bribem economy is right now, but here’s a list from our friends at ZeroHedge showing the latest in layoffs for last month. That’s right, last month. … Continue reading

Posted in Best Economy Evah | Leave a comment

In Case You Thought I was Being Hyperbolic…

Let’s check in on some headlines from the past few months.

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You Don’t Realize How Much They Hate Us

A new book just dropped last week, Rural White Rage. The book’s authors suggest, no, they flat out state that rural white people are the most dangerous threat to “our democracy.” We’ll come back to that in a minute. The … Continue reading

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