Author Archives: Mike
It Pays to Sell Out Your Fellow Americans
And it pays pretty well. Over a half-million Federal Reserve notes, in fact. Right after leading the charge to push another aid package to Israel, Johnson received a very generous donation from AIPAC, the American-Israeli PAC. That’s after the $95,000 … Continue reading
Let’s Check In on Europe
Eva Vlaardingerbroek delivers an excellent summary of what is happening in Europe right now. Keep in mind that Europe is about 5-10 years ahead of the US on the New World Order timeline. What is happening there is coming here. … Continue reading
HR 6090 Passes the House
A new anti-free speech bill would make the following illegal to say. Most of the Republicrats voted for this, BTW. This was passed just days after the US gave $26B to Israel. Also the protests opposing the war in Gaza … Continue reading
I Pledge Allegiance to Keeeeeeeeeev
Guest Post by Eric Peters At one time, American schoolchildren were made to pledge allegiance to the American flag – a curious thing, when you think about it a bit. But it was at least the American flag. How about … Continue reading
In Case You Were Wondering…
The “representatives” in CONgress do not represent you.
Clown World Accelerates
From S2 Underground: Washington D.C. – Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 has been altered significantly, removing almost all of the former protections for women under this law. This highly controversial move means that there will be no … Continue reading
Bird Flu, Censorship & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions for “The Next Pandemic”
Swiped from The Burning Platform. I don’t really disagree with anything here in this post, though it’s hard to predict how any of this will play out. This is certainly a plausible scenario. Guest Post by Kit Knightly Earlier this … Continue reading
The FBI Does Not Work for You
The FBI works for itself, to expand its power, its budget and its influence. People are starting to notice. Slowly… Rep. Mike Garcia very kindly tells Chris Wray he’s a stooge.
More Notes on Israel vs. Iran
I don’t know the author of these words, but they track with what I’m seeing in other places. As he says at the end, winter is coming. Prepare accordingly.