Category Archives: Intl. Politics

More Notes on Israel vs. Iran

I don’t know the author of these words, but they track with what I’m seeing in other places. As he says at the end, winter is coming. Prepare accordingly.

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Notes From Sunday

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What’s Really Going on in Haiti?

From Doug Casey’s International Man Newsletter. International Man: After Haiti’s president was assassinated in 2021, Ariel Henry—a US ally—began serving as the acting head of the country even though there was no election. Recently, Henry flew to Africa to ask … Continue reading

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Russia says US, Britain & Ukraine were behind the Terrorist Attack

The west is playing a very dangerous game. For some insane reason, probably as cover for their crimes which are numerous, the US, Britain et al. want to get the world into a huge war. The problem is, the west … Continue reading

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Victoria Nuland Warns Russia Will Receive ‘Nasty Surprises’

What kind of “nasty surprises,” eh? Like an attack on a concert hall in Moscow? These fools cannot wait to get us into WWII… Full Article. Wonder how they knew?

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The Five FUBARs

The USA is a runaway train with a dead man in the engineer’s seat. James Kunstler We are facing a multi-factorial attack on our world. The purpose of it is to keep you spinning OR numb you into ignoring it. … Continue reading

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Our “Greatest Ally”

Enemies, huh? That’s a US soldier. Now, the guys whack–he set himself on fire to protest the genocide of Gaza by Israel. A worthy protest, to be sure. But there are a hundred more productive things he could have done. … Continue reading

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Is 2024 the Last Year of Free Speech?

2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World Paul Craig Roberts lays out the case that the Military Industrial Complex/Security State in all Western nations is going to shut down and eliminate free speech … Continue reading

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It’s So Much Worse Than You Think Out There

These are the times that try men’s souls… So, in the UK–a country so co-oped by leftist insanity it defies comprehension–their National Health Services Foundation Trust (Trust from now on) has decided that chemically induced [checks notes] chest milk from … Continue reading

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This Week In Video

There were a number of really good videos that dropped last week. I have watched and recommend all of them. Continue reading

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