Category Archives: Medical Tyrany
Margaret Anna Alice: Lament Of The Vaxx-Injured
This is worth a watch. The suffering is real for those injured by the bio-weapon jab known as the COVID vaccine. And a follow on piece,
Oh Look, the Fog is Coming in…
Official Scamdemic Report is Out
This all sounds so familiar. It’s almost like I said all these things at the time. Oh wait, I did. To all those who unfriended me, called me names and made fun of me…you can apologize at any time. Though … Continue reading
Big Pharma is Killing Us. Literally.
Here are a few tidbits for you. I highlighted the pertinent sentences. You can see this for yourselves at this link. Remember, these are VAERS reports, which the government has acknowledged only captures 1-10% of the actual adverse reactions. In … Continue reading
Michael Yon Sitrep
Yon does a rare video sitrep. Worth your time. He’s a little scattered, but he’s thinking 3-4 levels deep. Few others have this level of analysis.
They Paid Doctors to Vaccinate People
Ever wonder why so many doctors pushed the covid jab on their patients? They made big bucks doing so! I mean, sure the jab has killed and injured millions, but what is that compared to a new boat and a … Continue reading
Bird Flu, Censorship & 100 Day Vaccines: 7 Predictions for “The Next Pandemic”
Swiped from The Burning Platform. I don’t really disagree with anything here in this post, though it’s hard to predict how any of this will play out. This is certainly a plausible scenario. Guest Post by Kit Knightly Earlier this … Continue reading
I Need Another “Conspiracy Theory…”
They keep turning out to be true.