Category Archives: WWIII

War Is Upon Us or Will Putin Blink Again

by Paul Craig Roberts The world is coming close to its end. It is an end that has nothing to do with alleged global warming, Cows farting, orchestrated pandemics, or racism. Washington’s refusal to release its power of hegemony over … Continue reading

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You Need To Watch This

You should watch the whole episode, but if you’re short on time, at least watch the last few minutes starting from here.

Posted in Intl. Politics, Preparedness, The Decline, US Politics, WWIII | Leave a comment

Civil War Weather Report

John Wilder publishes a Civil War Weather Report at the beginning of each month. This month’s report is particularly good.

Posted in Best Economy Evah, US Politics, WWIII | Leave a comment

The Temperature in England

England has been one of the beta test sites for the new world order’s rollout. They are about 10-15 years ahead of the US generally. However, with the Davos crowd’s plans being disseminated faster than ever, the are speeding up … Continue reading

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Long and Important Read of the Day

As our CONgress weasels gleefully lead us to WWIII, it’s important that you understand who we are fighting for. And it’s not the formerly united States of America. Ron Unz posted a long and detailed article summarizing the current situation … Continue reading

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