Col. Douglas Macgregor delivered a much more realistic, and potentially inspiring state of the union response a few weeks ago. I haven’t fully vetted his organization yet, but from what I can tell, his new organization is on the up and up. Worth a watch.
Worth the Watch
WATCH: The Democrat Open Borders Plan to Entrench Single-Party Rule | Explained in Under Two Minutes
I would argue that we already have single-party rule; the republicans are simply the democrats going the speed limit. But, that nit aside, it’s a good video. And it’s happening now.
Voat Harder
Lew Rockwell has a great article on how the Democrats are going to steal the election again in 2024. It’s long, but worth the read if you want to understand what’s going on with “elections.”
Biden and Trump have clinched the nominations of their parties for President. Everybody is gearing up for a battle between them for the election in November. It’s obvious that Biden is “cognitively impaired.” In blunter language, “brain-dead”. Partisans of Trump are gearing up for a decisive victory. But what if this battle is a sham? What if Biden’s elite gang of neo-con controllers won’t let Biden lose?
How can they stop him from losing? Simple. If it looks like he’s losing, the elite forces will create enough fake ballots to ensure victory. Our corrupt courts won’t stop them. They have done this before, and they will do it again, if they have to.
Lew Rockwell
Some Good News for TN

Wait, I thought chemtrails was a conspiracy theory? This simply proves what we’ve been saying all along; they are spraying chemicals and heavy metals in our skies.
It will be interesting to see what the enforcement mechanism is. I’d love to see the TN Air National Guard escort one to the border under threat of being turned into dust. Time will tell…
I Keep Saying the Republicans are Just as Bad as the Democrats. Believe Me Yet?
The Republicans are like the Washington Generals to the Harlem Globetrotters. They are the designated losers. Even when given a decisive majority in both houses of CONgress, they never accomplish anything except enriching themselves.
Now, they are conspiring with the other half of the Uniparty in one more piece of the puzzle to keep Trump out of the whitehouse. I’m not in any way under the delusion that Trump will save us, but there is simply no way he gets back in.
Gun Ban for Illegal Immigrants Ruled Unconstitutional
Yes, you read that right. Someone invades our country illegally, and according to this court, they not only get free housing, free food, free legal services, a free cell phone, a clothing and furniture allowance, they can also own firearms. Yeah, that checks out.
I’m not 100% sure how they will fill out the 4473 background check form with no ID and no ability to run a NICS check, but…details. Give them the gun, Tommy, it’s not big deal.
Certainly nothing bad will come of this. Here’s the full article from Bearing Arms.
This May or May Not be How It Happens
Interesting take on the coming sporkiness. It might go down this way, or it might not. Good things to consider regardless.

What’s happening right now in NYC is a foreshadowing of what’s coming nationwide this summer. It’s a beta test for nationwide martial law. You’re not gonna believe what happens next. Even while it’s happening…
The Banana Republik of Biden
Emerald Robinson is over the target. You should be following her if you’re not already. She is one of the few reporters calling it like it is. Her latest Substack article is up and a very good read.
The brutal truth is that many people are still mentally living in that vanished country where the rule of law exists — where your vote actually counts — where the FBI doesn’t create a false flag operation on January 6th to stop investigations of election fraud in swing states — and where major cities don’t release violent criminals onto the streets without bail.
They still don’t fully grasp the truth: they’re now actually residents of the Banana Republic of Biden.
Emerald Robinson
Here’s the money quote:
The next eight months of your life should be devoted to buying yourself insurance for a black swan event — such as the end of the republic.
I’ve said repeatedly the Republic as we knew it is dead. A person who takes a bullet to the heart can still function for 20-30 seconds before dropping. They’re dead, they just don’t know it yet. The Former United States of America is in that 20-30 second period. If you’re not prepared for what comes next, it will be very uncomfortable.
The motel at the end of America
A really good, close up view of the destruction of our country.

Some numbers: Every migrant detained by the Border Patrol is assigned a nine-digit ‘subject ID number’ when processed. These are sequential. When Biden took office, if memory serves, the first three digits were about 370- or below. By mid-November 2021, detainees were being assigned subject ID numbers beginning with 373-.
Today the first three digits are 393-. That means that since Biden took office, CBP has assigned over 23 million unique, sequential subject ID numbers to individual migrants detained in CBP facilities.
Larry C. Johnson
More Government Overreach
There’s a big move in the senate where senate republicrats are aligning with Joe Biden to ban whatever they want on the internet. It’s done under the guise of “banning TikTok,” but it’s really a set up to ban whatever site or service that goes against the official narrative.
Tucker does a great job breaking it down with Rand Paul. It’s worth watching because for the most part any reporting on this bill in the lamestream media is completely false. Reach out to your congress weasels; it seems Hagarty is on board with this bill so far. Unsure about Blackburn.