The motel at the end of America

A really good, close up view of the destruction of our country.

Some numbers:  Every migrant detained by the Border Patrol is assigned a nine-digit ‘subject ID number’ when processed.  These are sequential.  When Biden took office, if memory serves, the first three digits were about 370- or below.  By mid-November 2021, detainees were being assigned subject ID numbers beginning with 373-.

Today the first three digits are 393-. That means that since Biden took office, CBP has assigned over 23 million unique, sequential subject ID numbers to individual migrants detained in CBP facilities. 

Larry C. Johnson

Full article here.

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More Government Overreach

There’s a big move in the senate where senate republicrats are aligning with Joe Biden to ban whatever they want on the internet. It’s done under the guise of “banning TikTok,” but it’s really a set up to ban whatever site or service that goes against the official narrative.

Tucker does a great job breaking it down with Rand Paul. It’s worth watching because for the most part any reporting on this bill in the lamestream media is completely false. Reach out to your congress weasels; it seems Hagarty is on board with this bill so far. Unsure about Blackburn.

Tucker Carlson’s Breakdown.

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Import the Third World, Become the Third World

Our country has a death wish. Instead of closing the ports and turning people away, we’ll welcome them in, only to have them murder, rape and steal from our citizens. And we’ll pay them to do it. America is no longer a first world nation. Prepare accordingly.

Coming soon to a city near you…

Florida border agents placed on high alert for refugees following breakdown of order in Haiti

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Study: mRNA COVID Shots Caused More Deaths Than They Saved

I tried to tell people. Big Pharma lied. Big Gov lied. Big Media lied. Big Medical lied. They all knew they were all lying and they all did it anyway. Why? To get paid!

When factoring in absolute risk and the “number needed to vaccinate” (NNV), a metric used to quantify how many people need to be vaccinated to prevent one additional case of a specific disease, the review found “for every life saved, there were nearly 14 times more deaths caused by the modified mRNA injections.”3

Here’s the full article.

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Why, There’s Nothing Suspicious About This At All!

Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead In A Truck From “Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound”

Because, you know, that’s what you do. After fighting legal battles with Goliath for 7 years, you finally make some headway, things are going to come out and the world is seeing your point of view, you kill yourself in your truck at a cheap hotel. Uh, yeah. Sure.

What did he know about the Clintons?

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The Most Fun Terrible News Report You’ll See All Week

I had to put this one in here. Johnny Bravo (not his real name) is one of my favorite economic news sources. He presents really bad news in a way that just makes you smile and know all will be fine. It’s news you need to know, but it’s just so entertaining.

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What do the Dems do if Trump Wins?

Given the general level of insane hatred of Donald Trump among democrats, it’s hard to say. Robert Zimmerman has some thoughts, and they are worth considering. It’s likely that spicy times are ahead; prepare while you still can.

To put it bluntly: These Democrats have no intention of accepting a victory by Donald Trump in the upcoming election, even if he should win by a majority so vast that no amount of election rigging can disguise it.

Robert Zimmerman

Here’s the whole article.

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How to Lower Border “Crossings”

Just fly them directly into the states you’re trying to destroy!

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The Five FUBARs

The USA is a runaway train with a dead man in the engineer’s seat.

James Kunstler

We are facing a multi-factorial attack on our world. The purpose of it is to keep you spinning OR numb you into ignoring it. James breaks down the five big things that are causing chaos right now.

The Five FUBARs.

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Illegal Invaders–Even Those on Terrorist Watch Lists Can Board Planes in the US WITHOUT ID.

This is insane. Strike that, this is criminal. We US Citizens are subjected to ID–and soon, Real ID–requirements to get on a plane. But any old “migrant” ie. criminal invader can wander across the border, use his Customs and Border Patrol App and hop onto a plane with no name given, no ID, no photo. He doesn’t even need a ticket.

The time is short…tick tock, tick tock…

Watch this short video.

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