Some Good News…Maybe

Tennessee poised to ban LGBT pride flags from schools and classrooms…

It’s passed the house by a large margin. The senate is overwhelmingly republican, so it should clear there. Will Bill Lee have the guts to sign it? We’ll see…

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Let’s Check in on the “Justice System”

With allegations even more hazy than Christine Blassy Ford, E. Jean Carrol was awarded $83 Million because a long time ago, she can’t remember when, Trump raped her in a dressing room in a department store. Not sure which one. But it most def happened. While this is absurd on its face, it gets worse. The “judge” in the Carrol case is none other than Lewis A. Kaplan, the very same “judge” that thew out a case against Prince Andrew for raping, among others, Virginia Giuffre on Epstein Island when she was a minor.

We really can’t even call it a 2-teir justice system at this point because that implies there is some justice somewhere. That would be a mistake.

This will blow your mind: new stunning revelation about judge in Trump’s E. Jean Carroll “rape” case leaks out…

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Death of a Nation, Birth of Another

T.L. Davis makes a lot of valid points in this article.

The United States is a failed experiment, not because it’s corrupt or communist so much as that it’s simply too big to be managed by anything other than corrupt power-seekers. Texas would have the 8th largest economy in the world if it broke free. If you look at this map, you will see how many different nations we should be. California has the same-sized economy as France. Texas and Alaska have the same sized economy of Brazil, but the map shows it better than I can describe.

T.L Davis
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Covid Vaccine Update: “12-SIGMA EVENT” — And it could get worse!

I tried to warn people back in 2020, 2021 and 2022; Do Not Take the Jab! Some listened, many did not. At the time, I did not know exactly how or why it was bad, I simply knew it was bad. I’m really good at pattern recognition and I saw a very bad pattern emerging.

Well now, with real data and actual results–deaths and injuries by the millions–we know what’s going on. And it’s bad. Really bad.

Ed Dowd has done great work on this subject, but here’s a brief article that unpacks the above headline.


“The unvaccinated will save humanity.” It depends on you, especially on the unvaccinated, who will be able to save humanity one day. Only the unvaccinated will be able to save the vaccinated. Vaccinated who will, in any case, contact the medical centers to be saved. We must avoid listening and giving a voice to those who do not have the right to do so and let science speak. I repeat: it is the unvaccinated who will be able to save humanity.

Dr. Luc Montaignier
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Our “Greatest Ally”

Enemies, huh? That’s a US soldier. Now, the guys whack–he set himself on fire to protest the genocide of Gaza by Israel. A worthy protest, to be sure. But there are a hundred more productive things he could have done. Still, fascinating that the super-secret squirrels of the Israel Military Industrial Complex labeled the US as their enemy.

I wonder when Americans will finally figure out Israel hates us?

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Wargaming the American Apocalypse

I don’t love the title as the word Apocalypse has been hijacked from its original meaning–the unveiling, or revealing of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Regardless, here’s an excellent introduction article from Jack Lawson and Stan Szymanski. Jack is the author of The Civil Defense Manual. It’s not a “feel good” piece, more of a reality gut check. He does provide hope at the end, so stick with it. It’s worth the read.

Jack [Lawson]: The most crucial issue is convincing Americans that there is a Catastrophic Event in the making right now. Most people either don’t believe anything bad will happen to them, they don’t want to think about it… or they just don’t care.

Americans can’t see this trouble in our future because Americans think what happens in the rest of the world… “can’t happen to Americans! It just doesn’t!” This is because United States has been geographically isolated from invasion, war, starvation and suffering for a couple of hundred years. So, most think… “It can’t happen here!”

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Let’s Check in on the City on the Hill

I waited a while to post this because, to be honest, I was at a loss for words. Jesus said we are the light of the world, a city on a hill. The Church is supposed to reflect Jesus so others may know Him. Somewhere along the way, some of these big churches have lost the plot. I thank God I never worked for a pastor who was more in love with sportsball than Jesus.

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George Soros Takes Over 220 Radio Stations

Just in time for the 2024 election cycle, famous rich-guy and far left activist whose life’s mission is to destroy the United States (his words, not mine) has just purchased a controlling interest in Audacy, which owns 220 radio stations throughout the US. I wonder why he would do that?

Full Article

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Illegals Eat Better than Americans In Mass

Grocery bills got you down? Head on down to Mexico, come back across the border with no ID and “seek asylum.” You’ll get a free ticket to anywhere, so head up to Massachusetts where you’ll be well cared for.

The average American spends between $250 to $550 per month on groceries, while a family of four spends around $1,311.50 to $1,582.90 monthly. The average retiree on Social Security receives $1,767.03 monthly overall as of December 2023. Illegal migrants, who have never paid a penny into our tax system, are being provided with $1,984 in food alone per month.

Martin Armstong

But don’t worry, you’ll be paying more in taxes to pay for the 33 Million people who are here illegally. They won’t pay taxes, of course, but you get to. Did you wonder why they hired 87,000 new IRS agents?

Here’s the full article. Short and worth the read.

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Tucker Carlson Interviews Mike Benz

Fair warning; this is a dense interview. I watched it once and I will watch it at least one more time to catch all that’s going on here. Mike Benz is a machine and talks in great detail without notes or taking a breath (at least it seemed that way). Few people have their finger on the pulse of the security state like he does. It’s a great interview, but be sure to engage your brain ahead of time.

Uncensored: The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy

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