We Are Funding Our Replacements

Charlie Kirk–who I don’t fully trust but does dig up some interesting items–just posted this on X. I wonder if there will be justice for the tens of thousands of Americans who are victimized by these criminals flooding our country?

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Robert Malone on Waking Up and Propaganda

Robert Malone, known as the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, just wrote an interesting it not somewhat lengthy post on the function of propaganda and the attendant effect of reducing good solutions to actual problems. He also admits to waking up and coming to grips the the concept that much of what he was taught to believe over his whole life is lies built on a foundation of lies. To wit:

A shadow now haunts my mind. I am deeply troubled in confronting the reality that the world and version of political truths that I have been propagandized to believe over my entire life is merely smoke and mirrors. A vague uneasiness has been lurking around me over these last four years; a sense that I have not only been censored, defamed, and lied to during the time of COVID, but over my entire life.

Robert Malone

Realizing that much of what you were taught as truth is actually a lie can be a painful experience. Having been through the process, I can say it’s uncomfortable to say the least. Most of us come out the other side a lot more skeptical and perhaps a little bitter at being lied to all these years. However, there’s a freedom knowing that real truth does exist, even if it’s not the “truth” we were told.

Read his whole post, it’s worth it.

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Is 2024 the Last Year of Free Speech?

2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World

Paul Craig Roberts lays out the case that the Military Industrial Complex/Security State in all Western nations is going to shut down and eliminate free speech and democracy in 2024. Sounds far fetched, yeah? Well, give it a read. On the one hand, I think, they don’t have the numbers to make it work. On the other hand, I realize that most Western Whites have become so demoralized, so passive, so willing to accept their own genocide because, well, reasons, that most will just do as their told.

He doesn’t mention it in his article–it may be assumed–but this goes hand in glove with my contention that there’s no way we’re having an election this fall. The event horizon grows ever closer. Click on the How To Prepare link up in the header for some ideas on how to be ready for it.

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It’s So Much Worse Than You Think Out There

These are the times that try men’s souls…

So, in the UK–a country so co-oped by leftist insanity it defies comprehension–their National Health Services Foundation Trust (Trust from now on) has decided that chemically induced [checks notes] chest milk from [checks notes again]men pretending to be women is [checks notes–are you kidding me?] safe for babies.

That’s right folks, dudes with XY chromosomes who have a bunch of surgeries and take a ton of drugs to pretend to be women can be drugged up enough to produce just a little bit of “chest milk” (that’s actually what they call it) to feed the baby they bought as a prop in a vain attempt to validate their mental illness. And the head muckety mucks of their health system say, “Checks out! All good.”

Let’s check in with Jesus on taking care of children: [Luk 17:2 NKJV] “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”

We’re going to need a lot of millstones…

Row as hospitals say hormone-filled milk from trans women who were born male is just as good for a baby as the real thing

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This Week In Video

There were a number of really good videos that dropped last week. I have watched and recommend all of them.

Michael Yon was on with Mike Adams again, and covered a lot of ground. You may not want to know that your country is being invaded, but it is. Michael has the receipts and talks about what we can expect next.

Michael Yon in studio with Mike Adams

Matt Bracken did another episode on Coffee and a Mike. One of the things I appreciate about Matt is he is intensely practical. Mike tries to get him to speculate on what the trigger event will be and Matt says he doesn’t care. The cake is baked, the plan is set, and he has, I think, one of the best takes on what we can expect sometime in the next few years. It may not be a rosy picture, but if you want to make it through what is coming, it’s best to have an idea what to prepare for.

Coffee & a Mike Episode #748

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin dropped a little over a week ago. It’s a long interview, nearly 2 hours, but worth the watch. Tucker is out of his depth a bit here in understanding how Russians think (hint, it’s not how we think), but it’s a good interview. You can like or dislike Putin, but he is sharp as a tack and knows and loves his country.

Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

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They Want to Block Out the Sun. What Could Go Wrong?

Bill Gates and his psychotic sidekick George Soros are putting millions of dollars into programs that will “begin” spraying reflective chemicals and particles in the atmosphere to block out the sun and lower the earth’s temperature. I put “begin” in quotes because they’ve been doing it for 20 years and are only now coming out of the clouds about it. See what I did there?

Worth the read. Bill Gates’ dark dream of blocking sunlight from the Earth is about to be realized

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Meanwhile in Europe…

The current ruling government in Germany is rather miffed at their opposition. It seems the pesky “right-wing” folks have been stirring up the people and that is a threat to their rule, er, Democracy. The ruling class is promoting a new series of regulations and laws that will go after those awful right wingers who keep throwing wrenches in their plans and encouraging the people to think for themselves. Here is but one of their comments:

I would like to treat right-wing extremist networks in the same way as organised crime. Those who mock the state must have to deal with a strong state, which means consistently prosecuting and investigating every offence. This can be done not only by the police, but also by the regulatory authorities such as the catering or business supervisory authorities. Our approach must be to leave no stone unturned when it comes to right-wing extremists.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD)

It’s a long article, but a good read.

Right next door in France, a new law was quietly passed that makes criticizing MRNA treatments a crime. Yup, that’s right, you simply have to disagree with “the science” and you’ll find yourself in the slammer.

Anyone who advises against mRNA or other “medical treatments” that are “obviously suitable” for treatment based on the current state of medical knowledge can in the future be imprisoned in France for up to three years and receive a fine of up to 45,000 Euros.

Thomas Oysmuller

This one is a good bit shorter, also worth the read.

It’s important to keep in mind that Europe is the testing ground for the New World Order agenda. What is happening there is about 10 years out from what they want to do here. Maybe less. We can make fun of the Germans for being completely neutered after WWII and the frogs for, well, anything, but the battles for freedom they are fighting today are the ones we’ll be fighting in the next 5-10 years. If we make it that far…

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Truckers Unhappy with NYC

On the heels of the patently absurd court judgement against Trump (who was found “guilty” and fined $453 Million for taking out a loan and paying back, on time, with interest), the truckers, who overwhelmingly support Trump are, shall we say displeased.

It’s hard to tell how big this will get, but there’s at least a vocal group who are going to start refusing deliveries in NYC. Based on the comments in the article, I’d say they are…perturbed. Strong language warning.

Truckers Warn Loads to NYC Will Be Rejected Starting Monday

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You Are the Carbon They Want To Reduce

Doug Casey has a great take on the green agenda, the anti-carbon hysteria and what that means for us. If you don’t already receive it, his newsletter is worth getting.

International Man: Western countries are leading the charge in restructuring their economies around the issue of climate change. They’re committed to a comprehensive agenda to “decarbonize” their economies by 2050.

What’s your take on this?

Doug Casey: To sum it up in one word, it’s insane. In two words, it’s criminally insane.

Before the Industrial Revolution, the overwhelmingly major fuel source was wood. After that, we went to coal, which was a big improvement in density of energy and economics. Then, we went to oil, another huge improvement in energy density and economics.

These things happened not because of any government mandates but simply because they made both economic and technological sense. If the market had been left alone, the world would undoubtedly be running on nuclear. Nuclear is unquestionably the safest, cheapest, and cleanest type of mass power generation. This isn’t the time to go into the numerous reasons that’s true. But if nuclear had been left unregulated, we’d already be using small, self-contained, fifth-generation thorium reactors, generating power almost too cheap to meter. The world would already be running on truly clean green electricity.

Instead, time, capital, and brainpower have been massively diverted to so-called “ecological” power sources—mainly wind and solar—strictly for ideological reasons. The powers that be want to transition the whole world to phony green energy, like it or not.

I’m all for green energy in principle. There’s no question that solar and wind are worthwhile and effective for select applications—generally small, isolated, special locations where conventional fuel is inconvenient or too costly. The efficiency of solar has been tremendously improved over the last few decades, as has wind efficiency. But neither make any sense for mass base-load power in industrial economies.

With further technological advances, they may become more economic someday. Perhaps people will eventually put large collectors in high Earth orbit and microwave the power down to the surface. There are all kinds of sci-fi possibilities. But right now, “green” is just a nice word for “stupid,” “ideological,” or “government-sponsored.”

Doing things the green way takes power away from the markets, which is where people vote with their dollars. It instead places power in the hands of ideologues and bureaucrats.

In brief, wind and solar are being promoted at the very time, nuclear and fossil fuels are being damned. It’s the opposite of what should be happening and a very bad trend from every point of view.

Put me down as liking the birds and the bunnies as much as anyone else, but I’m anti-green. Anyway, ecofreaks don’t really care about the birds and the bunnies so much. That’s just a veneer. They actually just hate people and really want them to disappear. At a minimum, they want to control them. And the great global warming/anti-fossil-fuel hysteria is a great way to do it.

International Man: As a part of this agenda, the US, the EU, and OECD countries plan to phase out oil, gas, and other fuels, replacing them with zero or low carbon sources of energy.

What kind of disruptions could we see as the transition is made to energy sources that may not be as reliable?

Doug Casey: Lots of disruptions, many of them both huge and currently unanticipated. The US has 330 million people. Why should decisions for hundreds of millions be made by bureaucrats and political hacks in Washington, DC?

Why should they be the ones who decide what kind of power should or should not be used? That’s a question that nobody asks. People simply assume that that’s the way it should be and largely do as they’re told. They never stop and consider that governments have set progress back immeasurably over history. The main products of government are wars, pogroms, confiscations, taxes, regulations, and the like.

Oil companies like Shell and BP are talking about getting out of the oil business. Oil companies and their employees and investors are looked down upon as the destroyers of the world. Nobody in polite society wants to admit that they’re in the oil business.

Before you drill an oil well anywhere in the world, it’s necessary to ask permission from one or more government entities. In the Western world, where the public has been captured by the notions of PC and ESG, governments are loath to issue drilling permits. Drillers don’t want to drill because costs are artificially high, and any profits will be subject to discouraging taxes.

Expect oil production to drop in the West. Throughout the ’50s, ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s, more oil was discovered than was being used. Reserves went up. But that’s no longer the case. It’s not because the oil isn’t there; it’s because it’s too politically incorrect to look for it and exploit it.

Futhermore, scientists, engineers, and investors are staying away from anything to do with fossil fuels. You can plan on both fuel shortages and much higher costs. Markets are being subverted and are becoming ever more politicized.

In addition, so-called “green technologies” aren’t really green. They just seem green on the surface. Giant windmills and solar farms rely on massive amounts of fossil fuels and metals to be manufactured and installed. They have limited lifespans, and they must be disposed of. Not only can’t they provide mass quantities of power consistently, but they all show losses, even after-tax benefits disguise them. That destroys capital. They’re not signs of progress but monuments to waste and destruction. We’re going to have huge disruptions in the energy markets in the years to come, and since the whole world runs on energy, it’s really serious.

International Man: Broadly speaking, is the new climate change “crisis” an invitation for more government intervention in the world?

Doug Casey: Yes. It’s like inviting a vampire into your house.

For many decades, kids have been indoctrinated with ideas about counterproductive conservation and Greenism. Comic books, schoolbooks, teacher’s lectures, television—you name it—present the earth as being under attack from the forces of darkness. Mankind—especially the scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs—are shown exploiting and raping Mother Nature and her natural resources. They’re presented as evil.

Bronowski’s Ascent of Man has been subverted into a battle of good versus evil, where all the values have been turned upside down. The problem has permeated society, and it’s even worse in the education system.

St. Ignatius Loyola, who founded the Jesuits, and Vladimir Lenin, who founded the USSR, both said words to the effect of “If you can indoctrinate a child during his early years, you’ve basically set his direction of thinking for life.” They were right.

Government is always presented as noble, wise, and forward-thinking. It’s presented as the savior stepping in to stop the evil producers.

It is one of a number of false and horribly destructive memes stalking the earth today like spectres. The increasing belief in government as a magic solution to problems decreases the average person’s standard of living tremendously and creates all kinds of distortions throughout society. It’s turned the study of economics into a pseudoscience, and its incursions into science are discrediting the idea of science itself.

In fact, the two big hysterias plaguing the world right now both center on the State involving itself in science—or at least scientism. One is COVID, a relatively trivial flu blown out of all proportion. The other is AGW, anthropogenic global warming, which was relatively recently rechristened as climate change.

In my view, both will eventually be completely debunked and discredited. But if you run counter to the narrative on either of them right now, you’ll be canceled, fired, and/or ostracized.

It’s very much like what happened to Galileo when he ran counter to the prevailing wisdom of the Middle Ages. They don’t actually burn books anymore, but only because books today are mostly electronic. But they do the equivalent of that on places like Google and Twitter.

There’s an excellent chance that these people will discredit the very idea of science because they’ve wrapped themselves in the veil of science. Or, more precisely, what’s become known as “The Science.” They’re creating something much more serious than just another economic disaster.

International Man: This trend seems to be growing in momentum.

For example, Google Flights now prominently displays the carbon emissions of each flight it lists.

Is that a small first step toward charging individuals for the carbon they emit?

Doug Casey: I can assure you that I pay no attention whatsoever to the amount of carbon that I may be burning on a plane or anywhere else. It’s part of a psychological war the Left is waging, using guilt and shame as weapons. It’s another indication of the lockstep, the groupthink, that people are subjected to today.

Life on this planet is based on carbon. The element itself is indestructible and essential, but it’s been transformed into a deadly enemy in the mind of the public. But if you deny that it’s destroying the earth, then you’re committing heresy. It’s like denying the existence of God in the Middle Ages. Hating carbon and worshipping “The Ecology” have become tenets of a secular religion.

A new carbon tax will be implemented. It’s definitely in the cards. Most people will stupidly roll over and say, “Yes, this is for the good of the planet. It’s a tax we should all pay.”

Of course, governments and the powers that be always want more resources directed towards themselves. In a time when governments are bankrupt and can only generate more money for themselves by printing it, it’s an absolute certainty that the next tax will have a patina of righteousness. A carbon tax on individuals, as well as companies, checks all the boxes.

International Man: Will carbon credits become a new government-created “commodity” that corporations and individuals will be forced to purchase?

Doug Casey: Without question, it’s a clever way to turn a tax into something that looks like an asset, an investment.

Look, this is all about politics and money, but disguised as a religious movement, which is quite clever. There’s no question that Greenism is being promoted as a new religion.

Christianity is a dead duck in Europe, and it’s dying in North America. But people need some type of religion, a replacement for Christianity, to hold on to.

People will be encouraged to treat their taxes as tithes to wash away their sins against Mother Nature—much the way they tithed the church to expunge their sins in the Middle Ages. It’s an exact analogy. They’ll buy “carbon credits” as an analog for building cathedrals and monasteries.

As an economist, as well as someone who reads a lot of science, I think it’s ridiculous and destructive. The whole anti-carbon, carbon sequestration, and Greenism thing is a political hysteria promoted by people who like to control other people. I’m completely opposed to carbon credits or carbon taxes from that point of view.

But when I put on my speculator’s hat, I’m all for it. There are companies being formed to cleverly capitalize on all this destructive nonsense. It’s still very early days, and the public will pile into the space with a combination of religious fervor and fin de siècle greed. I expect a massive bubble in the space. I’m all for bubbles—if I can buy in early.

A speculator is a cynic, not a philanthropist—although I hasten to add that most philanthropists are hypocrites. It’s a pity that the vast majority of people have been totally brainwashed by Greenism, and carbon stocks are a great way to turn the lemon into lemonade.

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You Are What You Eat

Our food supply is not only fragile, it’s dangerous. Chemicals and pesticides keep finding their way into the food that is on the shelves in the grocery store. And it turns out, those chemicals are bad for you, and really bad for our kids. We know the globalists want to lower the world’s population (they tell us that all the time). What better way to do it than sterilize our children? And how easier to do that than put chemicals that do just that into their cereal?

A study shows that most oat-based foods do bad things to our kids.

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