Senate Passes “National Security Bill,” But Not For Your Nation

Overnight, while Americans slept, the US Senate passed the aptly named, National Security Bill which includes $95 Billion in aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. There is no money in the bill to secure the US border, however.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) declared that with this bill, the American leadership will not waiver, not falter and not fail. Apparently, they now consider themselves to be senators for the world, and not for America.

The final phase of a failed nation is for the leadership to plunder the treasury. I wonder what phase we’re in?

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First Battalion of Invaders Arrives in TN

According to DHS, approximately 600 “non-citizens” from Guatemala, Venezuela, Honduras, and Mexico are headed to Murfreesboro, Nashville and Franklin. It’s OK, though as our fearless senators are “outraged” and have sent a strongly worded letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. No action or change of plans will follow.

Sheryl Attkisson has a copy of the letter on her site.

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Excellent Analysis of the Weakening Biden Regime

I have not read this guy’s work before, but his take on the weaking of the Biden regime is spot on. He adroitly points out that like any wounded animal, it is likely at its most dangerous condition. They need a distraction–a big one.

The Regime Has Never Looked So Weak. What Will They Do Next? by William M. Briggs

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The Coming Secession(s)

This article showed up in my inbox on Friday, Feb. 9, 2024. It’s from Doug Casey’s International Man newsletter. He mostly covers finance, and international finance at that, he often has excellent insights into geopolitics as that influences finance. I couldn’t find anything to add or disagree with, so I’m posting the entire newsletter here.

Click this link if you want to subscribe to Doug Casey. The newsletters are worth the read.

Here’s Why The US Border Crisis Spells Serious Trouble…

by Chris MacIntosh
It makes no difference what men think of war, said the judge. War endures. As well ask men what they think of stone. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. That is the way it was and will be. That way and not some other way.

from “Blood Meridian,” a 1985 novel by American author Cormac McCarthy

Ok, many of you may well be aware of this, especially if you’re American. If not, here is what’s been happening. The State of Texas put up razor wire at the border to stop the roughly 12,000 illegal migrants crossing daily. The feds got their knickers in a knot, came down, and pulled it all down opening the floodgates again.

In a tit for tat back and forth, the Texans put it back up. This all ended up in court where the supreme court said that actually stopping illegal immigration was… um, illegal. So the Texans climbed onto their horses, rode back home, and promptly ignored this and invoked their rights as a state to protect themselves. It’s worth remembering that the US is not a democracy, as many think, but rather a republic. That’s important in terms of the legality of what just happened. Not that ultimately legality matters when the country is clearly run by criminals, but you get the point. Ruffles are being feathered.

In any event, it’s all heating up.

14 Red States ‘Stand with Texas’ in Border Fight with Biden Administration

President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense,” the statement continues.

“For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself,” the statement adds.

That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary.

What followed has been governors of Oklahoma…



South Dakota…




West Virginia…


All in all, 25 governors of various states so far have decided that the feral guvmint is, in fact, feral.

While following events, I had this map to share with you.

And then, as we went to hit publish, we found that certain states have sent troops to support Texas. Things really are moving fast.

And what about the Feral Guvmint?

Defeating Texas will take five days, or five weeks, or five months, but certainly no longer than that.

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin Powers

So as you can see, what we’d been predicting for years now seems to be rapidly evolving. You’ve got largely a “left” vs “right” political split, and frankly, I don’t see how this gets resolved without… ahem… problems. I mean, the ideological views in the country are so stark. Consider gun laws. On the one hand you’ve the “pry it from my dead hands” folk and on the other we’ve got alphabet people who say that only the military can use weapons and even then, they’ll demand they’re only ok with vegan hand grenades. I think bridging this divide is at this point impossible.

Ok, so as fun as this is, what I’d like to point out is that decentralisation is the key to undoing the centralisation problem (WHO, UN, WEF, etc., etc.). Just as Bitcoin, for example, is one answer to Fedcoin and Klaus Coin, we are now seeing secessionist movements across the globe. Way back in 2016 I recall writing about this phenomenon, and since then, we’ve seen secessionist movements in Spain, France (yellow vests), and many more. Even in woke Canada, premier Smith defied Ottawa’s taxes as well as promising a doubling of oil and gas production.

The thing with humans is they’re social creatures. The majority go along to get along and don’t want to ruffle feathers. It’s why so many wore those stupid face masks despite agreeing with you when you pointed out exasperated that they were so obviously completely pointless. They’d nod their heads, mumble, and then put them on anyway. And what for? The 18-year-old pimple-faced teenager at the supermarket asking where your mask was or the overweight middle-aged Karen at the gas station doing the same. Of course, the answer was to laugh at them and go about your business like the sovereign individual that you are, but most didn’t and most won’t. That’s just how it is.

Anyway, the globalists’ push for more and more has been met with another problem the Davos crowd has not perhaps thought much about. It is a physiological phenomenon that has been shown to prove true and it is this: Humans are more likely to break more laws if one law is too strict.

Think of all the completely insane laws that we’ve had to endure in the last four years. Yup, Western nations are all rapidly turning into Argentina — a place where the only way to survive has been to flout the myriad destructive laws. Argie, by the way, is on a different trajectory to the West and priced rather attractively vs the West. Hence our positioning.

Here’s something else to ponder. When the states send their tax dollars to the feds and the feds are openly using those same dollars to do damage to the states, then at what point do the states say, “Nyet, no mas?”

Here’s US public debt.

Total US Public Debt

And keep in mind this needs servicing.

It isn’t even just the fact the debt can’t be serviced at the current rate and absolutely not with any meaningful increase in bond yields. It is the fact that the moment some of the aforementioned states decide to say nyet to sending money back to the Feral Guvmint, then foreign holders of US debt could potentially begin to imagine what things look like with a fragmenting America.

Imagine it this way. You lend money to a real estate developer who has say 300 houses, and you’re told he has control over all 300 houses. This is your collateral. Then, before you’ve been paid back, you see that 100 of them just got sold out without the developer banking the proceeds — a “dispute,” you’re told. Not only do you worry that your collateral isn’t what you thought it would be, you realise that all the other creditors who bought the same debt you bought might just see it too and head for the exits before you do. Oh, what to do?

And as far as investing in foreign sovereign debt markets go, take a look at Europe where the globalists, despite trying to, never managed to consolidate their debts within the Eurozone and now are trying to manage a consolidated currency system without having a consolidated bond system. And guess what? The Europeans are all having secessionist movements, too. So…

All of this points to the need for a massive distraction because the peasants are about to get hosed. All those pensions they think they have. All those insurance products they own, the currency they hold much of their savings in. The real estate markets in which they’ve their life savings invested into. All of it tied together in one big ball of leveraged rehypothecated ball of yarn. So, a distraction is desperately needed, lest the peasants bring back the guillotine for the politicians and bankers.

Aaaand here it is…

They’re prepping the peasants in the UK for war. Look over here. It’s Russia, the big boogeyman.

And in lockstep over in Australia…

This particular little piece caught my attention:

As the risk of Australia being drawn into a major war increase, we are facing a short window of opportunity to address some of the shortfalls in our defence capability.

Years ago I took a course in NLP (neuro linguistic programming). Let me tell you that this shit is straight out of the manual, and let me make this very clear so that nobody can say they were not warned. You are being programmed for what has already been decided.

The above is in complete lockstep. The UK, then Australia. Next up, Canada and NZ. Watch!

But I’m sure it’s merely coincidence. Remember to hate the Russkies and the Chinese (that is coming, too). It’s the 250-year revolutionary war cycle, folks. I wish it wasn’t, but it is, so…

Now, I know this is predominantly an investment publication, but realise this. Having money is of no use to any of us if we’re being dressed in military garb, black boots, and sent into the meat grinder, so if you’re in literally any of the Western nations (US, as just spoken about, UK, Canookland, Australia, or NZ), the timeframe between now and when your government decides you need to go “fight the enemy” is narrowing, so warm up those second passports, residency visas, and have a plan. If none of the above transpires, you can simply say, “Oh, it was crazy Chris,” and blame me. I’ve got thick skin. Seriously, I can take it. Send me hate mail. I’d love to get it, because it means I’ve been wrong. There literally is no downside.

Now, what does it mean for our portfolio? Well, if I’m not wrong, it means good things, because the enormity of capital sitting in bonds will have to seek safety and shelter… somewhere. My guess is that actual “stuff” makes for a solid bet, and even if this doesn’t happen, this “stuff” is the cheapest it has been both on an absolute and relative basis for donkey’s years.

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Report calls for limits on air travel

Never trust a globalist. You are the carbon they want to reduce.

A new report is out that shows that we peasants, the dirt people, must limit our air travel, and ultimately our driving. No more loading the family up on a plane to visit grandma for Christmas willy nilly. No sir! You will not be allowed to travel more than a set amount. This is all under the guise of “saving Mother Gia,” which is really just a Luciferian death cult.

Here’s a good article by Leo Hoffman over at The Burning Platform with more details.

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Notes for Feb 11, 2024


New data is showing we have not 11 M illegal invaders in our country, but closer to 22 M (some sources point as high as 35 M). Biden and the Dems are now pushing a plan to grant “legal status” to all of them.

Fun fact, the largest margin of a presidential vote was 17 M in 1984 (Reagan v. Mondale). Immigrants almost always vote Democrat.

Senate “Border Bill”


Speaking of the border, 25 or more states have stepped up to support TX in “securing” their border. What Abbot is doing is largely for show, but 25 states joining in is significant. Now, imagine it’s Jan, 2025 and Congress decides that those 25 states took place in a “border insurrection” and their electoral votes don’t count… Can that happen? I don’t know, but nothing would surprise me at this point.

African countries are emptying out their jails and shipping the former prisoners to Central America with instructions on how to get to America. Venezuela has already done this. Our so-called representatives are literally importing dangerous, violent third world people by the thousands and letting them roam free in our country.

You might ask yourself, “Why are they doing this? Can’t they see it’s bad for the country?”

This week in money laundering

The Biden regime gives Ukraine $80 billion in tax dollars. Ukraine invests in FTX crypto exchange. FTX owner Sam Bankman-Fried gives $40 million back to the Democrats’ campaigns for the 2022 midterms. A week later FTX goes bust, scamming clients out of $36 billion. Bankman-Fried is arrested and charged, but during the course of the prosecution, his charges are all quietly downgraded to minor ones and he will not likely spend much, if any time in jail.

Other kickback channels are more covert, but nevertheless very active. Israel receives billions of dollars every year in military aid – most of which, by US law, can only be spent in the USA on US-made weapons systems and components. That means Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing and many others. Those companies, in turn, contribute to the “re-election expenses” of many Congressional representatives and Senators. The profits generated by the orders from Israel using our tax dollars help fund the very politicians who vote to give money to Israel. Make sense, now? This is how Mitch McConnell’s net worth gets to 35 Million on a salary of $174,000/year.

In Europe

Farmers have been protesting, blocking roads and spreading manure at politician’s houses. This is in response to the EU’s “War on Farmers.” European farmers, possibly due to being physically closer to it, perhaps remember the last time a government declared farmers to be the enemy of the people, and then 60 million people starved to death. The farmers have brought several cities to a standstill, and even stacked hundreds of bales of hay in downtown Paris.

The EU has just blinked.
1. Dropping its 30% reduction target on emissions from farming
2. Reversing unrealistic pesticide quotas
3. Allowing more land for agricultural use
4. Agreeing to stop telling EU citizens to eat less meat

The Weakening of the Union

More states are just ignoring the Fed. IL passed a ton of new gun laws that fly in the face of the Bruen decision from 2022. MA is doing the same. On the other side, MO is refusing to work with the ATF because as they say, “All gun laws are unconstitutional.” Hawaii supreme court just decreed there is no individual right for a person to carry a firearm in public, a decision that flies in the face of the US Supreme Court’s Bruen decision. TX plus 27 other states are ignoring the supreme court on the border. The union is fracturing.

The Selection

Nimrata Haley lost to “none of the above” in the NV primary. She is truly second to none.

World Leaders

Biden was found to have mishandled classified documents and broke the law. He hid classified docs under his TV and in “other places.” Presumably next to his Corvette. The good news is that the special counsel also reported they would not press charges because the president would be seen as a “sympathetic old man with a bad memory.”

On Friday, Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vlad Putin was released. Putin talked for 2 hours without notes, gave a 30 minute lecture on the history of Russia, beginning in 657 AD, and tossed out several lighthearted jabs at Tucker. Like him or hate him, but Putin is sharp as a tack and loves his country.

Back here in the US, last week, Biden claimed that in Jan 2020 he talked with Mitterrand, Prime Minister of France, who, incidentally, died in 1997. Biden was rolled out for a Friday night 8 PM press conference, with no notes, no prep and clearly without his adrenaline shot. Many analysts believe he will be replaced soon as the real powers that be are no longer trying to hid that he’s unfit for office.

Sheriff Meeting w/ FBI

Rick Jones of Butler County, OH reports that at a nation-wide training of Sheriffs in DC, they were briefed by Christopher Wray and were told that there are more “red flags” going off now than prior to 9/11. That means there are more known and suspected terrorists in our country today than ever before. There are people here from 161 countries and many of them don’t like us. We are bombing some of those countries right now. Anyone want to guess what might be coming?

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Links to Videos-Feb 11, 2024

These are the videos I mentioned in today’s service.

Interview with Matt Bracken on Coffee and a Mike

Mike Adams and Michael Yon on The Duran

Mike Adams Interviews Matt Bracken

Sheriff Rick Jones Sounds Alarm on Red Flags

An American Homestead–YouTube Channel Worth Following

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