Well How About That?

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Civil War Weather Report

John Wilder does a monthly roundup of indicators on how close we are to a civil war. He tries to maintain a sense of levity while discussing something deadly serious and does a good job. I think he is generally on target with his analysis.

Civil War Weather Report, June 2024

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Sacrificing Liberty

Here is a link to the excellent documentary series on the attack on the USS Liberty and the subsequent cover up.


You can get a free 7-day trial and watch the movie.

Here are my notes from Sunday’s Cultural Update.

This is the cliff notes of cliff notes. There is a lot more to the story than I’m presenting here. Go watch the documentary.

Everyone knows we recently celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day on June 6. Yesterday was another significant event, but I wonder if anyone knows what it is? Ever hear of the attack on the USS Liberty?

On June 8, 1967, the Liberty was sailing in the Mediterranean sea about 17 nautical miles off the northern Sinai coast. At 2 PM, without warning, she is buzzed by three unmarked jets at high speed and low altitude. The Liberty is a signals intelligence ship with only four 50 cal machine guns with no shrapnel shields. She is flying an 8’ x 5’ American flag and has 10’ high letters identifying the ship. There is a crew of 297 souls on board.

After the first pass, the jets come back around and begin launching rockets, firing onboard cannons and dropping napalm. Once they expend their ordinance, additional squadrons of planes came in and did the same.

Due to broadband signals jamming, including the maritime distress channel, the ship was unable to call for help to the nearby US sixth fleet. At one point, a distress call did get out and US fighter jets were launched to come to her aid. Those jets never made it, however, being turned around at the order of the white house, specifically LBJ and Robert McNamara.

Thirty five minutes into the attack from the air, torpedo boats began their assault. Five torpedoes were launched, one of which struck the side of the ship in the intel hold, instantly killing 25 of the men who worked there. The ship began to take on water, its engines were dead and it had no rudder. The men started launching life boats. However, the attacking surface vessels machine gunned the life boats rendering them useless and injuring many.

As helicopters approached for the final assault, Captain William L. McGonagle called out, “Stand by to repel boarders! They’ve come to finish us off.”

The attack lasted 67 minutes and was the bloodiest attack on a US ship since WWII. 34 sailors were killed and 173 were wounded.

Transcripts later showed that the attacking forces knew they were attacking a US ship and one of the pilots shouted, “Great! Wonderful! She’s burning! She’s burning!”

The ship was supposed to sink with all souls lost. However, in what must be a divine miracle, she didn’t. The crew rallied to get the engines up and running, and even though badly damaged could sail.

Incredibly, instead of being sent to the nearest port of Crete—a day’s sail–to care for the dead and wounded, they were instead directed to steam to Malta, a 7 day journey through the deepest waters of the Mediterranean sea, while listing at 15 degrees. Clearly, our government wanted her to sink as well.

Through yet another miracle, the ship made it to Malta. The survivors were immediately ushered off the ship and debriefed. When asked if they knew who attacked them, the sailors named the country. They were each threatened with court marshal and certain jail time if they ever told anyone about the attack, even their family.

After they returned home, a concerted effort was made to scuttle any story in the media about the attack and who was behind it.

Then president Johnson didn’t want to raise a fuss with the attacking nation’s domestic supporters, so he arranged for a deal to be struck. The survivors were paid off and instructed to never speak of the attack again. The attacking country said it was an accident and never spoke of it again.

A congressional committee looked into the attack, but the investigation lasted only 8 days, included but 14 crewmen and produced a report of 158 pages. Years later, the crew’s lawyer broke his silence and said the court barred them from traveling to the attacking nation to interview the pilots, obtain official transcripts or review logs.

To this day, no president has ever even acknowledged the attack or the surviving crew. Only two congressmen have ever even talked about it; Cynthia McKinney from Georgia and James Traficant from Ohio. It’s instructive to look into what happened to them.

There is an excellent documentary out called Sacrificing Liberty if you’d like to learn more. Unfortunately, it’s behind a partial paywall; you can sign up for a trial and watch it from what I can tell. I caught it when it was released on YouTube and it will break your heart. It’s worth the watch.

Oh, any guesses on which nation deliberately and without provocation attacked one of our unarmed signals intelligence ships with the intention to sink it and kill everyone on board?

Our “greatest ally in the middle east,” the geopolitical nation-state known as Israel.

Why would they do this? Israel had just started a war with Egypt and wanted desperately to get the US involved to fight it for them. The only thing that saved us from getting embroiled into a larger war in the Middle East was that LBJ was preoccupied with Vietnam and didn’t want a second war right then.

So now you know a little bit about this story; go dig some more.

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A Different Take on Trump

Came across this thread from Mark G Patterson. I’m not sure who he is, but he comes in from Michael Yon who has been better than average at predicting what’s coming next. Everyone wants Trump to be their hero; especially now that he’s a “convicted felon.” I’ve had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach about him for months now and the post below is pretty much exactly what I’ve been ruminating on, along with a few bonus items. I simply hadn’t taken the time to organize my thoughts yet. Patterson does that pretty well here.

Michael, your post raises two very important, but distinct topics: 1) The forced padlocking and closure of InfoWars. 2) your decision not to support Trump.

Let me address both:1) Millions will rally behind Alex and his crew. What we are seeing is raw, criminal tyranny being played out in live time. It cannot stand. We must find out who to contact and expose them for the evil they are committing.2) Re: Trump. I agree with your assessment. Not voting for Trump is a rational and moral decision.

Here’s why:In the wake of Trump’s guilty verdict (guilty of what? NOTHING!) support for Trump has surged as never before and he raised $52 million for his campaign.

Of course, those destroying our nation could easily predict that finding Trump “guilty” in a phony show trial would only help Trump win. So why did they do this?Because the bad guys want Trump to win. Why? Because they know that the majority of Americans are awakening and seething against the utter corruption being played out in the Biden Administration. Putting Trump in the White House will lull conservatives into inaction. America will stand down. How do I know? During Trump’s last term the bad guys carried out the largest medical genocide in human history and the USA economy was utterly destroyed with unconstitutional lockdowns — and Americans did nothing to stop it, largely because we knew Trump was at the helm.

So, they know that if Trump is elected Americans will stand down as the globalists carry out their agenda. And they know that Trump won’t stop them. Does this mean that Trump is a bad guy and working with them? I don’t know. I used to say that “Trump is either evil or stupid, and he’s not stupid!” Now, I’ve modified my thinking somewhat. I believe that Trump is blinded by his allegiance to Israel (he’s clearly Israel first) and while not evil, has decided play along with powerful evil people, for whatever reasons.

The past predicts the future. And Trump’s record during his first term is terrible. Everyone makes excuses for Trump. Poor Trump if only he had received better advice … etc. But we saw systemic efforts to surround himself with the “wrong” people (globalists) over and over. Was Trump this clueless or did he do this deliberately? Did he appoint and retain Barr, who did nothing to pursue Epstein, because he did not want Epstein pursued? I think so. Did Trump fail to lockup Hillary because he was worried about the repercussions for himself (he went to Epstein’s island). I think so. Ditto not pardoning Assange.

Here’s a short list:
– Trump enabled the largest mass medical genocide in human history.
– Trump destroyed our economy with unconstitutional lockdowns.
– Trump refused to pardon Assange (why??).
– Trump failed to lockup Hillary and said he was only joking.
– Trump failed to put a single swamp monster in jail.
– Trump failed to clean house of the unelected bureaucracies.
– Trump failed to investigate Epstein’s murder or to replace Barr who did nothing (why??).
– Trump failed to support the 2nd amendment by supporting red flag laws and bump stock bans.
– Trump enthusiastically supported unconstitutional civil asset forfeiture.
– Trump failed to protect free speech or enforce section 230.
– Trump failed to protect election integrity and did nothing when the states were obviously setting up for the steal.
– Trump failed to fire Fauci even when his supporters demanded it.
– Trump enabled that emergency funding that incentivized hospitals to murder for money by paying them 53K for every covid patient they killed following WHO / UN protocols.
– Trump supports “finish them” Nikki Haley and wants her on his team because “they agree on so many things”.
– Trump promoted torture queen Gina Haspel to head the CIA.
– Trump selected rogue Christopher Wray to head the FBI.
– Trump continually surrounded himself with globalists.
– Trump failed to pardon or support Jan 6th demonstrators.
– Trump has always been ISRAEL FIRST. He is owned by Israel and surrounded by family with allegiance to Israel. He wants to expel any student protesting against Israeli genocide.

Trump’s main job has been to prevent @VivekGRamaswamy and others from getting anywhere near power.

If Trump is elected, he will do what he did last time to dismantle the deep state: NOTHING.

Because Trump is so divisive, his election may serve as the catalyst for civil war.”

But this time it will be different because Trump learned his lesson, right? This time, he really will drain the swamp, right? Patterson forgot building the “big beautiful wall” that “Mexico will pay for.” Well, now Mexico has a brand new jewish woman president. Approximately 0.005% of Mexico is jewish; and she “won” in a landslide. After 38 other political candidates were murdered in the run up to the election.

Whether Trump goes to jail in July or is allowed back in the White House, we are going to be facing interesting times. Best use the time left to prepare.

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How Our “Greatest Ally,” Along With Our Own Government are Destroying the US

It’s said that if you want to know what is really going on, follow the money. Well, let’s follow a few billion dollars and see how the illegitimate Biden regime is funneling billions of taxpayer money to Israeli owned NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) for the purpose of moving millions of criminal aliens into the US.

One thing that I don’t believe is pointed out in this interview is that the current head of DHS is a dude named Alejandro Mayorkas. Anyone want to guess what his job was prior to heading up the Department of Homeland Security? You know the overarching agency created after the last bit of “help” from our “greatest ally?” Former cop? FBI? Prosecutor? None of the above. He was head of HAIS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. That’s right folks, the organization that is currently getting tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer money to relocate millions of people into the US used to be run by the guy who now set the policy to write the checks.

Take a look at this short interview.

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They Paid Doctors to Vaccinate People

Ever wonder why so many doctors pushed the covid jab on their patients? They made big bucks doing so! I mean, sure the jab has killed and injured millions, but what is that compared to a new boat and a vacation in the Bahamas!

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What a Grid Crisis Could Look Like

We don’t need a dramatic movie to give us a sense of what things would look like if we had a grid crash.  Facebook is showing us in real time.

As of this post, Power Outage reports almost 14% of electricity customers in Dallas are without power at the moment with temperatures in the 90s.

The rest of the article at Tactical Hermit.

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What Government Thinks of Us

Hello fellow domestic violent extremist! That’s right, if you’re reading this, you are very likely classified as a DVE by the Department of “Homeland” Security. I put Homeland in quotes because many people don’t understand how the communists alter language. When I say “homeland,” you think I’m talking about America, our country. When they say “homeland,” they mean their new Utopian communist world that they control and where the rest of us serve them. Sadly, this isn’t even new. This came out back in ’09 during the reign of Bathhouse Barry. However, under the leadership of Merrick Garfinkle (oh, you thought his name was Garland?), current director of DHS, this policy has been weaponized and ratcheted up a few notches. Prepare accordingly.

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How Would You Like to Earn 100% Interest on Your Savings?

Sound good? All you have to do is enter the country illegally, and all the other US taxpayers will match your savings account deposits dollar for dollar! So for every dollar an illegal invader earns working in a job that used to be/should be held by an actual American, all the other Americans who are left employed get to give up another dollar to help the illegal invader buy a home that Americans can’t afford any more.

Isn’t this grand?!?

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I Can’t Recommend This Enough

Matt Bracken has consistently been about 10-15 years ahead of whatever is happening in the world. He repeats himself a bit, but if you want to know what’s going on, watch this video. Worth your time.

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