The Most Fun Terrible News Report You’ll See All Week

I had to put this one in here. Johnny Bravo (not his real name) is one of my favorite economic news sources. He presents really bad news in a way that just makes you smile and know all will be fine. It’s news you need to know, but it’s just so entertaining.

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What do the Dems do if Trump Wins?

Given the general level of insane hatred of Donald Trump among democrats, it’s hard to say. Robert Zimmerman has some thoughts, and they are worth considering. It’s likely that spicy times are ahead; prepare while you still can.

To put it bluntly: These Democrats have no intention of accepting a victory by Donald Trump in the upcoming election, even if he should win by a majority so vast that no amount of election rigging can disguise it.

Robert Zimmerman

Here’s the whole article.

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How to Lower Border “Crossings”

Just fly them directly into the states you’re trying to destroy!

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The Five FUBARs

The USA is a runaway train with a dead man in the engineer’s seat.

James Kunstler

We are facing a multi-factorial attack on our world. The purpose of it is to keep you spinning OR numb you into ignoring it. James breaks down the five big things that are causing chaos right now.

The Five FUBARs.

Posted in Best Economy Evah, Border, Intl. Politics, Medical Tyrany, US Politics | Leave a comment

Illegal Invaders–Even Those on Terrorist Watch Lists Can Board Planes in the US WITHOUT ID.

This is insane. Strike that, this is criminal. We US Citizens are subjected to ID–and soon, Real ID–requirements to get on a plane. But any old “migrant” ie. criminal invader can wander across the border, use his Customs and Border Patrol App and hop onto a plane with no name given, no ID, no photo. He doesn’t even need a ticket.

The time is short…tick tock, tick tock…

Watch this short video.

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Civil War Weather Report

Each month, John Wilder does a good wrap up of where we are in the inexorable march towards…well, whatever is coming. Keep in mind that while a lot of the articles he cites are from America’s Hat (Canada) and the UK, those are test beds for what is coming here. If you don’t believe that, you don’t know recent history.

Here’s the full article.

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A Little Good News…

Bill Lee signed a bill that allows public officials to refuse to perform same-sex “marriages.” More over at The Hill.

It’s a good start Bill, now do churches.

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Layoffs…Coming in Hot

I know it’s hard to keep up with just how amazing and wonderful the Bribem economy is right now, but here’s a list from our friends at ZeroHedge showing the latest in layoffs for last month. That’s right, last month. Looks like a lot of people in the tech/journalism sector are going to need to learn to coal.

  1. Everybuddy: 100% of workforce
  2. Wisense: 100% of workforce
  3. The Messenger: 100% of workforce
  4. Twig: 100% of workforce
  5. Twitch: 35% of workforce
  6. Roomba: 31% of workforce
  7. Bumble: 30% of workforce
  8. Farfetch: 25% of workforce
  9. Away: 25% of workforce
  10. Hasbro: 20% of workforce
  11. LA Times: 20% of workforce
  12. Wint Wealth: 20% of workforce
  13. Finder: 17% of workforce
  14. Spotify: 17% of workforce
  15. Buzzfeed: 16% of workforce
  16. Levi’s: 15% of workforce
  17. Xerox: 15% of workforce
  18. Qualtrics: 14% of workforce
  19. Wayfair: 13% of workforce
  20. Duolingo: 10% of workforce
  21. Rivian: 10% of workforce
  22. Washington Post: 10% of workforce
  23. Snap: 10% of workforce
  24. eBay: 9% of workforce
  25. Sony Interactive: 8% of workforce
  26. Expedia: 8% of workforce
  27. Business Insider: 8% of workforce
  28. Instacart: 7% of workforce
  29. Paypal: 7% of workforce
  30. Okta: 7% of workforce
  31. Charles Schwab: 6% of workforce
  32. Docusign: 6% of workforce
  33. Riskified: 6% of workforce
  34. EA: 5% of workforce
  35. Motional: 5% of workforce
  36. Mozilla: 5% of workforce
  37. Vacasa: 5% of workforce
  38. CISCO: 5% of workforce
  39. UPS: 2% of workforce
  40. Nike: 2% of workforce
  41. Blackrock: 3% of workforce
  42. Paramount: 3% of workforce
  43. Citigroup: 20,000 employees
  44. ThyssenKrupp: 5,000 employees
  45. Best Buy: 3,500 employees
  46. Barry Callebaut: 2,500 employees
  47. Outback Steakhouse: 1,000
  48. Northrop Grumman: 1,000 employees
  49. Pixar: 1,300 employees
  50. Perrigo: 500 employees
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In Case You Thought I was Being Hyperbolic…

Let’s check in on some headlines from the past few months.

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You Don’t Realize How Much They Hate Us

A new book just dropped last week, Rural White Rage. The book’s authors suggest, no, they flat out state that rural white people are the most dangerous threat to “our democracy.” We’ll come back to that in a minute. The follow on thought, though not stated, is that we, rural white people need to go.

They are the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay, geodemographic group in the country,” Schaller said. “Second, they’re the most conspiracist group. QAnon support and subscribers, election denialism, COVID denialism instead of scientific skepticism, Obama birtherism.” “They’re most likely to say the president should be able to act unilaterally without any checks from Congress, or the courts or the bureaucracy. They’re also the most strongly White nationalist and White Christian nationalist,” Schaller said. “Fourth, they’re most likely to excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful public discourse.”

Thomas Schaller

His fourth point is particularly rich. You all remember the white hillbillys who were burning down cities in 2020 during the mostly peaceful summer of love, yeah? All those raging rural white guys who attacked federal buildings in Portland for 200 straight nights?

Right. If you haven’t figured it out yet, let me say this outright; they are setting us up for genocide. Just like the South African farmers who are targeted for elimination, the plan is to eliminate all the rural white people and replace us with third world immigrants who will serve their masters. And it’s happening right before your eyes.

Back to being a “threat to their democracy.” You may or may not know that the United States was not founded as a democracy. We are supposed to be a Representative Republic. In a democracy, 50.1% can tell the 49.9% what to do. In a Republic, the rights and liberties of the individual are supposed to be protected.

Now, the ruling elites (or as I like to call them, the parasite class) hate the Republic. What they want to institute is communism, where they are in charge and we survive on whatever breadcrumbs fall from their lofty table. Actually, white people will be gone (except for the parasites). They have rebranded communism as “our democracy.” Know that whenever anyone on TV refers to “our democracy,” they mean their totalitarian communist rule. Once you understand that, comments from our learned author above make a lot more sense.

Of course rural white people are a threat to “their democracy.” We don’t want that and we’re armed to the teeth. Make sense now?

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